

podcast and second life.!


As internet based technologies have continued to improve and enhance our ability to communicate with one another globally, a transformation of the radio show form of media was destined to occur.

  •  The Internet world's form of broadcasting, known as pod casting, is the new face of radio journalism in a technology driven era. Despite podcasting's continued existence since 2004, many people are still unaware of what podcast are and how podcast can be obtained and listened to, a problem that can easily be addressed by following a few quick steps.
  •   A podcast, simply put, is no different than a webcast, a show that is broadcast over the web and is broken up into parts or episodes.
  •    Most podcast are similar to news radio programs and deliver information on a regular basis, while some podcast are comedy shows, special music broadcasts or even gospel.
  •   Podcast listeners wanting to get their podcast fix on the go can use iTunes to quickly and easily sync their podcast with their Apple device.
  •   After subscribing to podcast, plug an Apple device into the computer running iTunes. After iTunes recognizes the device, click on the device's icon in the left-hand column to access the device settings. Clicking on the podcast tab will present the user with number of options to configure which podcast should be synced to the device every time the device is connected and which podcast should be automatically updated, making podcast easy to manage in the device's library.

Why Second Life?
  •            The vague definition of CVE in a general sense comprises systems spanning from text-based environments [Hayes, 98] through environments with simple two dimensional graphical representations [Vitero, 08] to systems based on Virtual Reality(VR).
  •          As mentioned in stating our motivation, our research focused on the latter,regarding solely three-dimensional graphical CVE that are rich in representation and support embodied avatars and 3D objects in spatial relation to each other.
  •    Some major advantages in comparison to the former types of CVE are given in the following section. After that, characteristics of Second Life that distinguish this online virtual world from other 3D collaborative virtual environments are presented.
  •    Second Life is an online Multi-User Virtual Environment (MUVE) a special type of CVE [Second Life, 08]. Using a viewer software, everyone can access this virtual world, from anywhere, at any time.
  •    The status of the world is persistent; no data is lost, nor has massive data to be up- or downloaded at login. Users are represented by extremely customizable avatars that have a unique name and can resemble strong own identities.
  •  Targeting businesses and entrepreneurs, Second Life is often advertised as “a place where there are no real-world manufacturing or service costs and few barriers to what’s possible”. Second Life was launched in 2003. After a massive hype in 2007, the statistics of April 2008 state that over 13 million users had registered in total, and about 1 million users had signed in during the preceding 60 days [SL Stats, 08].

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